Hi..here's a simple question for you. When was the last time you have read a book?
It is pretty important that you keep yourself up to date, or your mind alert, relaxation or even to boost your personal self-esteem with more knowledge!
Well, there are just so many reasons why you should be reading...remember, you have to love yourself first, and feed your soul and mind before you can be a good partner to your partner!
Read whenever you can ok....it can be fiction, poetry, body & spirit, religious...it doesn't matter. I am glad to share with you one of my favorite website...you can get hold of plenty of free e-books here...completely free.
Are you here because you have having challenges in your relationship? You want to save your relationship, but yet somehow things are not working as well. Please know no matter how tough things are, you can turn it around. I aspire to share my thoughts and tips for you to save your relationship. God bless....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Take baby steps to get you from Break Up to make up.

What it means: More often than not, guys and girls try to take too big a step when trying to patch things up with their ex.
They want their ex to 'take them back' or 'forgive them' all at ONCE. (Do you think that is possible??)
Look, these are HUGE leaps! So, please, don't push it too hard.
What may be more effective in the re-bonding process are itsy bitty steps.
Try grabbing coffee together...it is a much smaller step than 'getting back together'...and even smaller than 'going on a date'.
Grabbing coffee may still be too big a step, might try starting with a smaller step?
In fact...many a times...taking a step 'back' is the best course of action.
Watch a Video here that explains how.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Bonus Download:- 7 Top Warning Signs That Your Marriage is in Trouble.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Reiki and the Law of Attraction. Loving Starts With You First....
I come across something interesting today. Reiki, and the Law of Attraction.
Well, I am sure most of us have somehow of rather, heard about the Law of Attraction. The like-minded tend to attract another like-minded, and then everything seems to "gel" and "fall-into-place" the way things should be. Things can be really simple. It's just that most of us are busy with so many other commitments and work...the modern society literally squeeze everything out of us, leaving us with nothing but STRESS. I have been through that, still going through it...mind you, but help is available.
It is crucial that we possess the right mindset and attitude if we want our relationship to progress fine and well. Loving starts with you. You have to love yourself first before you love someone else. How can loving yourself help your relationship? We have to begin by loving ourselves first. Unless you love yourself, it will be tough for you to love another person wholeheartedly. A lot of times our relationship and family life have to take a back seat and suffer ...without us even realizing it.
When you love yourself and love what you contribute to a relationship, it affects how you view things. Loving yourself means recognizing that you are a good person. Loving yourself allows you to forgive yourself of mistakes and to take them as opportunities to learn. It helps you accept yourself, flaws and all.
The problem is many of us are in a "caught in a rut" situation. We have no time to stop...actually stop and be quiet, to think and to connect with ourselves, even for a moment. Or is it true that we don't even have a moment to stop? Or perhaps we don't even KNOW how to stop?
If you are in this situation, you may want to download this FREE book. My friend, Judith Conroy, a Reiki Master, gave me the permission share her book here. We know that it’s no secret that it takes knowledge, dedication, and effort to learn ways to manage your stress and improve your life…and it takes you to make that 1st move....Go on,....Download your FREE copy of Reiki and The Law of Attraction here.
Well, I am sure most of us have somehow of rather, heard about the Law of Attraction. The like-minded tend to attract another like-minded, and then everything seems to "gel" and "fall-into-place" the way things should be. Things can be really simple. It's just that most of us are busy with so many other commitments and work...the modern society literally squeeze everything out of us, leaving us with nothing but STRESS. I have been through that, still going through it...mind you, but help is available.
It is crucial that we possess the right mindset and attitude if we want our relationship to progress fine and well. Loving starts with you. You have to love yourself first before you love someone else. How can loving yourself help your relationship? We have to begin by loving ourselves first. Unless you love yourself, it will be tough for you to love another person wholeheartedly. A lot of times our relationship and family life have to take a back seat and suffer ...without us even realizing it.
When you love yourself and love what you contribute to a relationship, it affects how you view things. Loving yourself means recognizing that you are a good person. Loving yourself allows you to forgive yourself of mistakes and to take them as opportunities to learn. It helps you accept yourself, flaws and all.

If you are in this situation, you may want to download this FREE book. My friend, Judith Conroy, a Reiki Master, gave me the permission share her book here. We know that it’s no secret that it takes knowledge, dedication, and effort to learn ways to manage your stress and improve your life…and it takes you to make that 1st move....Go on,....Download your FREE copy of Reiki and The Law of Attraction here.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Can a Fabulous Self-Esteem Boost Your Confidence, and then Enhance Your Relationship?

About a month again, Lynn called me and said "I am feeling really bad. I don't like the way I look, I hate the way I talk, I hate my hairstyle...I hate everything about myself! What should I do,Charine? I know Derek loves me, but I just feel that I am not good enough for him! What should I do?"
Can you relate to Lynn? She has really low self-esteem, no confidence, she jerks whenever her boyfriend touches her ...basically her extreme low self-esteem is affected her relationship and controlling her life! Now, Lynn is a dear friend of mine. I value her friendship more than anything, and I really want her to be happy. Well, I am no self-esteem nor personal-development expert, but I DO KNOW this..... Having a good and fabulous self-esteem is extremely important in life!
I started searching and asked around for help, and ended up with this e-book....Fabulous Self-Esteem, authored by Amy Twain, a self-improvement coach.
I felt that what Lynn could do was a boost toward accepting, liking and loving herself better. As I read through
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Beautiful Love and Marriage Quotes...
Howdy! I chanced upon three great love and marriage quotes today. As I was reading them, I felt that these quotes are simply simple yet practical. Here you go, I would love to share them with all of you.
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. ~Benjamin Franklin
My thoughts ...Gosh! This is so true, I thought to myself. As much as happily married I am, I must say that there is a lot of efforts and work put in between my husband and I to make the marriage work. In short, we really have to have our eye 'half shut' after marriage, and harmony will come along upon that. ;)
The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes. ~Amy Grant
My thoughts: A marriage is basically a joint-venture between two individuals. Personally I can relate so much to this quote as well. Imagine how it would be if my beloved husband comes home to an empty home everyday, with me either busy working or socializing elsewhere.
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. ~Benjamin Franklin
My thoughts ...Gosh! This is so true, I thought to myself. As much as happily married I am, I must say that there is a lot of efforts and work put in between my husband and I to make the marriage work. In short, we really have to have our eye 'half shut' after marriage, and harmony will come along upon that. ;)
The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes. ~Amy Grant
My thoughts: A marriage is basically a joint-venture between two individuals. Personally I can relate so much to this quote as well. Imagine how it would be if my beloved husband comes home to an empty home everyday, with me either busy working or socializing elsewhere.
Friday, June 4, 2010
How To Get Your Ex Back and Set Your Relationship Back on Track - "Opening Move" Tip
Hi. Are you here because you are looking for a way to get your ex back, and set your relationship back on track?
Well, I wish we would have met under better circumstances. But please, hang on there! Don't give up on your relationship, not just yet! If a dear friend come and confide in me in his or her relationship, I would not hesitate to introduce him to TDub, a relationship visionary. Well let me see, he is in a way kindda lay-back, doesn't shave as often as he should, BUT then again, we don't judge a book by its cover! TDub has helped many people (more than 50,000 people) in more than 77 countries to get their love life back again!
To make it easy for you, I have included TDub's video here. It's an "Opening Move" tip for you, the first step to getting your ex back. Watch it, and if you find it helpful, click on here to watch his 2nd video in his website.
If you like what you have just watched, click here to watch his 2nd video.
Take care over there, ok.
Well, I wish we would have met under better circumstances. But please, hang on there! Don't give up on your relationship, not just yet! If a dear friend come and confide in me in his or her relationship, I would not hesitate to introduce him to TDub, a relationship visionary. Well let me see, he is in a way kindda lay-back, doesn't shave as often as he should, BUT then again, we don't judge a book by its cover! TDub has helped many people (more than 50,000 people) in more than 77 countries to get their love life back again!
To make it easy for you, I have included TDub's video here. It's an "Opening Move" tip for you, the first step to getting your ex back. Watch it, and if you find it helpful, click on here to watch his 2nd video in his website.
If you like what you have just watched, click here to watch his 2nd video.
Take care over there, ok.
Friday, May 21, 2010
4 Positive Signals that Shows Your Boyfriend Still Loves You.

Hello there. Are you here because you have doubts about your relationship with your boyfriend?
Please....I want to assure you that it's perfectly normal for you to feel that way. We are human after all. All these doubts and thoughts were in between my ears once upon a time too!
Hmm..I believe I can help you out here. Look out for these 4 positive signals. These signals should answer your question "Does my boyfriend still love me?", and that will give you a pretty good idea of your beau's feelings towards you. Stick that antenna of yours high up and stay alert!
1. He Cares About How You Feel.
Does your boyfriend constantly check with you on your feelings and emotions? Does he show interest if you are happy, upset or any of your emotional well-being? If he does, there you are, you are ok. He loves you definitely, because if he doesn't, he would not be bothered with how you are feeling.
2. He Surprises You With Little Gifts.
Does your beau surprise you with little gifts? Is he paying attention to the things that you want, or the things that you like, and getting them for you? This can be a clear signal for you, highlighting how he feels about you. If he buys and surprises you with little gifts all the time, you are be rest assured; he simply adores you!
3. He Hates Break-Up Talk
The doubt about your boyfriend may be incurred due to the conversations the two of you had. If both of you have talked about breaking up, it can be easy to feel he doesn't love you. You really need to look into the substance of your conversation; to understand how you should take the conversation.Does the conversation topic bother your boyfriend? If he doesn't like thinking about the idea of breaking up with you, he still loves you.
4. He's Planning for the Future
One of the easiest ways to calm these fears is when you notice your boyfriend includes you in his future. If your boyfriend is planning his future and you are in these plans, it's obvious. He loves you. He would not think about you and consider you in his future plans if he did not love you.These 4 signals can more or less give you a good indication of how your boyfriend feels. However, if you are still in doubt despite the positive signals, I guess you may need to have a serious talk with him about his feelings, and about your relationship. You can proceed with a healthy positive relationship only if you have clear all these doubts.
How Do I Know if My Boyfriend Loves Me?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Relationship Solution to Get Your Ex Back

TW Jackson, known as TDub by his friends, has helped more than 50,000 people over 77 countries in salvaging their relationship. Well, he is kind of a lay-back sort of a guy, and he is the man behind one of the most downloaded relationship advisory e-book. His e-book provides different ways and solutions to people who want to stop the impending breakup or divorce. Therefore, even if a person is in an utmost hopeless position, something can still be done to save the relationship.
I reckon that you meet TDub Jackson in person. Watch his videos. There are 2 videos in his website that may give you an advice or two that would be helpful to help you get your ex back.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Tips for Troubled Marriage: Suggestions to Improve Husband-Wife Relationships
by Brian Tubbs, Feb 9, 2008. Suite 101.com
If you feel trapped in a troubled marriage or buried in marriage problems, this article is for you. While it won't save your marriage, it may provide you with enough tips to point you in the right direction. By putting these tips into practice, your marriage can be on the road to recovery and reconciliation.
Decide to Love Your Spouse
Decide to Love Your Spouse
This may seem basic, but the first thing you must do in a troubled marriage is to love your spouse. Don't feel like you're in love anymore? You feel like your marriage problems have caused you fall out of love? Well, then, love your spouse anyway.
Christian author and marriage counselor Gary Smalley declares: "Love is not an emotion, love is not a feeling, love is not happen-stance. Love is a decision!" This isn't to say that such a decision will further trap you in a loveless marriage. On the contrary, it positions your marriage to kindle the feelings you crave. Feelings will follow your decisions and actions.
Christian author and marriage counselor Gary Smalley declares: "Love is not an emotion, love is not a feeling, love is not happen-stance. Love is a decision!" This isn't to say that such a decision will further trap you in a loveless marriage. On the contrary, it positions your marriage to kindle the feelings you crave. Feelings will follow your decisions and actions.
Forgive Your Spouse
This may be the hardest step, but it's critical to salvaging a troubled relationship. Do you feel that your spouse has neglected you or hurt you? If so, you must forgive him or her.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Communication is the key to any good relationship....
Today I came across an intriguing article with the title, "How Can I Save A Bad Relationship"?
I got a little confused when I read that. I pondered, and wondered why would anyone want to save a bad relationship that brings more misery than joy. Instead, why not improve the relationship and make it good? If both parties in the relationship expressed a wish to improve things, and are willing to commit and work on it, wouldn't that be better? In this scenario, you are not saving a rotten bad relationship; in fact, you'll be turning a bad relationship around and make it great! Isn't that a zillion times better?!
Now, how do we do that? Hmm...let me pen down my 2 cents....
1. Honesty and Maturity!
First in the list, I think what we need is total honestly and high level maturity.
Let's face it, nobody can escape the ups and downs in relationships. With that in mind, we need two mature people to be able to have real heart-to-heart discussions about the root of the problems. If both are honest and mature enough to accept responsibility for their part of the problems, then there will be a really good chance that your relationship will grow deeper and stronger.
2. Crucial to Find Ways to Communication.
Once the two of you have decided that you are willing to try, the next thing you must do is to find better ways to communicate. More often than not, in many relationships, one party gets upset and yells at the other person; who will in turn just shut off and tune out their partner. The situation worsens over time, nobody wins and both of you gets miserable.
I got a little confused when I read that. I pondered, and wondered why would anyone want to save a bad relationship that brings more misery than joy. Instead, why not improve the relationship and make it good? If both parties in the relationship expressed a wish to improve things, and are willing to commit and work on it, wouldn't that be better? In this scenario, you are not saving a rotten bad relationship; in fact, you'll be turning a bad relationship around and make it great! Isn't that a zillion times better?!
Now, how do we do that? Hmm...let me pen down my 2 cents....
1. Honesty and Maturity!
First in the list, I think what we need is total honestly and high level maturity.
Let's face it, nobody can escape the ups and downs in relationships. With that in mind, we need two mature people to be able to have real heart-to-heart discussions about the root of the problems. If both are honest and mature enough to accept responsibility for their part of the problems, then there will be a really good chance that your relationship will grow deeper and stronger.
2. Crucial to Find Ways to Communication.
Once the two of you have decided that you are willing to try, the next thing you must do is to find better ways to communicate. More often than not, in many relationships, one party gets upset and yells at the other person; who will in turn just shut off and tune out their partner. The situation worsens over time, nobody wins and both of you gets miserable.
3. True Communication Is Needed.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Is Your Love Cold?? Ignite it now....

Exactly how long have you and your partner have been together?
Has this thought ''Our love has grown cold" ever flashed in your mind? ....forgive me if I am too LOUD...but I do want to get the message across!
Hmm....if you have, please....be assured that this situation is perfectly normal in any long term relationship. Don't feel bad or anything like that. Please, this is even more so true when both of you start to get a little older; coupled with work and family stress ..things can get even col..colder! Under such circumstances, it's really kinda important the both of you actually make it a point to talk to each other, openly and honestly.
Now...here's the thing...do you have this panicky thought "Oh Gosh! What am I going to talk about?"!! After all these years being together, you have gone so used to living together, you gather that your partner is there because he/she is your partner! Ah-ha, yeah, the word is "Complacency!"
Now, may I ask....What about "The HOT PASSION" you both once shared?? Now...you are really wondering. :)
Ahem..allow me to help you rekindle the chilly hot passions you once both shared. (wink! wink!) Well, here you go..... some hot and spicy, but definitely super common and easy things for both of you to get passionate again....
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sweet and Cute Quotes for Your Darling
Hey...you like the frogs? I thought they are so cuddly and sweet...thus I posted the picture here :)
I received a sweet note from my hubby today. Brightened up my entire day, I must say! Call it Childish...Insanity...Silly, whatever, but I am not going to deny that these occasional sweet cutie quotes from my darling helps to keep our love fires blazing hot. :P
I am sure you too, would want to keep your relationship with your partner blazing hot and spicy as well! Well, I can assure you....these sweet and cute quotes can be really good accessories!
Look, these cute quotes aren't just words, you know, they actually help to convey your passion and love to your partner. My personal opinion, these quotes help make the love and romance stronger. Which is why I think they are so important.
Let's see...why not you do an experiment here? Try whispering some of these cute quotes to your partner, and see if he or she would be more passionate towards you.
Or you might even want to use these cute quotes when.....
1. Making up after and argument.
2. Sweet pillow talk. (before and after)
3. Text message in the middle of his day.
4. Leave a voice mail on his cell.
5. Post a sticky on his favorite brew.
6. Paste one on the steering wheel.
7. Stick one on the bathroom mirror.
Just use your imagination. There are countless occasions when you can use these quotes on your partner. You can find innumerable cute quotes for your darling in the internet. Well, I just pen down a few here for you to start ...
Being with you makes me feel like for once in my life I don't have to work so hard on being happy, it just happens.
Use these quotes. I assure you...these words will touch the lives of both of you, and light up the passion between the two of you to a different level. Have fun!
I received a sweet note from my hubby today. Brightened up my entire day, I must say! Call it Childish...Insanity...Silly, whatever, but I am not going to deny that these occasional sweet cutie quotes from my darling helps to keep our love fires blazing hot. :P
I am sure you too, would want to keep your relationship with your partner blazing hot and spicy as well! Well, I can assure you....these sweet and cute quotes can be really good accessories!
Look, these cute quotes aren't just words, you know, they actually help to convey your passion and love to your partner. My personal opinion, these quotes help make the love and romance stronger. Which is why I think they are so important.
Let's see...why not you do an experiment here? Try whispering some of these cute quotes to your partner, and see if he or she would be more passionate towards you.
Or you might even want to use these cute quotes when.....
1. Making up after and argument.
2. Sweet pillow talk. (before and after)
3. Text message in the middle of his day.
4. Leave a voice mail on his cell.
5. Post a sticky on his favorite brew.
6. Paste one on the steering wheel.
7. Stick one on the bathroom mirror.
Just use your imagination. There are countless occasions when you can use these quotes on your partner. You can find innumerable cute quotes for your darling in the internet. Well, I just pen down a few here for you to start ...
When I was little I had a teddy bear that kept all my secrets, shared all my adventures and wiped away all my tears. I used to think no one would ever take his place then I found you!
I made a wish and *you* came true.
Every time I hear your voice, I hear another reason to keep you forever. ;)

If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, If hugs were the leaves I would give you a tree, But if love was time, I would give you eternity.
Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason.
When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.
If I has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.
When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.
I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
We were given: Two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.
Some of the greater things in life are unseen that's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...
As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you.
Use these quotes. I assure you...these words will touch the lives of both of you, and light up the passion between the two of you to a different level. Have fun!
Amy won her ex Rex back, using the "The Magic of Making Up" eBook.
Sometime ago, my friend Amy broke up with Rex, her partner of 4 years. Well, despite the nasty breakup, Amy still loved Rex very much. After some soul searching, she decided that she wanted to get Rex back to her side, no matter how tough the situation is.
Amy knew that she couldn't do it all by herself, and started seeking help. In her search for help, she was referred to an e-book. Despite her doubts and skepticism, Amy decided to give it a try after all. She bought the book, downloaded and read it from page to page, till the very end.
The e-book she bought is The Magic of Making Up. She applied and used the strategies taught in the book. Well...I must confessed that I was skeptical initially too, but after a few months Amy and Rex got together again, if you ask me, they are even closer than before! I was totally taken aback and of course, pleasantly surprised!
Amy told me that the author, TWJackson, aka TDub, provided her with the right help and strategies indeed. She felt that it was as if TDub was there to support her all the way in her pursuit of her ex. She told me that the 3 bonus eBooks which came with her purchase reveal unique secrets respectively and the tips were extremely practical and helpful. Briefly, she told me about the unique secrets. They are:
1. Mind magic taught her how to handle arguments,
2. The Clean Slate Method taught her how to get back on good terms, and
3. How To Boost Your Metabolism taught her how to take care of her body better and be as beautiful as the day they met.
Amy was really grateful to TDub. She felt that the every single dollar of the money she paid for the book was worth it as it has helped her win Rex back into her life. TDub provided here with the right advice which in turn, brought her happiness and joy in life.
I am very happy for Amy and Rex. I wish them happiness and joy as well for the rest of their lives together. If you are going through what Amy and Rex went through, you might find TDub's ebook helpful as well. You can click on here to watch some of TDub's videos or read some good tips. You may find some useful info that you can put to use to win your ex back as well! Good luck my friend.
Amy knew that she couldn't do it all by herself, and started seeking help. In her search for help, she was referred to an e-book. Despite her doubts and skepticism, Amy decided to give it a try after all. She bought the book, downloaded and read it from page to page, till the very end.
The e-book she bought is The Magic of Making Up. She applied and used the strategies taught in the book. Well...I must confessed that I was skeptical initially too, but after a few months Amy and Rex got together again, if you ask me, they are even closer than before! I was totally taken aback and of course, pleasantly surprised!
Amy told me that the author, TWJackson, aka TDub, provided her with the right help and strategies indeed. She felt that it was as if TDub was there to support her all the way in her pursuit of her ex. She told me that the 3 bonus eBooks which came with her purchase reveal unique secrets respectively and the tips were extremely practical and helpful. Briefly, she told me about the unique secrets. They are:
1. Mind magic taught her how to handle arguments,
2. The Clean Slate Method taught her how to get back on good terms, and
3. How To Boost Your Metabolism taught her how to take care of her body better and be as beautiful as the day they met.
Amy was really grateful to TDub. She felt that the every single dollar of the money she paid for the book was worth it as it has helped her win Rex back into her life. TDub provided here with the right advice which in turn, brought her happiness and joy in life.
I am very happy for Amy and Rex. I wish them happiness and joy as well for the rest of their lives together. If you are going through what Amy and Rex went through, you might find TDub's ebook helpful as well. You can click on here to watch some of TDub's videos or read some good tips. You may find some useful info that you can put to use to win your ex back as well! Good luck my friend.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Save Your Relationship With These 3 Counterintuitive Techniques
Hi there! I received the below article by email from a friend this morning. Thought it might be informative, so here it is...I'm blogging it down. It's a bit technical...but really practical if put to use.
Many a times, trying to save your relationship can be a very difficult thing to do. There is always the worry and concern that you'll make one wrong move, and lose the person you love forever. Unfortunately, what feels like the right thing to do, is often wrong. Most times we should follow the 'counterintuitive path'. When we feel like calling is when we should stay cool instead. When we feel like pouring our hearts out is when we should put a lid on it.
As a warning, the techniques you're about to discover you may have never seen before and at first glance may look an feel wrong, but have been proven time and again to be effective in even what seems the most complicated situations.
Counterintuitive Technique #1
The first technique you need to use is to agree with and accept the fact that you have broken up with your ex. This can be very difficult to do and the chances are good that you will have a bit of an internal battle before you're able to do so.
It can definitely help to understand why you need to accept the breakup, and how it can help you get back together. The main reason is because you need to give your ex time to respect and miss you again. The chances are that they are mad or upset with you at the moment, especially if you've beem nagging them about getting back together.
The second technique you need to use is to cut off all communication. You're probably about ready to close your browser right now! Hold on, because this technique really does work. It helps you to accept the breakup and is the action that shows your ex you are serious.
By not communicating, you are allowing your ex time to miss you and time to get over the reasons for breaking up. Give yourselves some quiet time. This space will be good for your mental health as well, and will help you to think clearly. It also sets you up for the next technique.
Counterintuitive Technique #3
The next step is to plan an event where you two can reconnect. But there are many critical steps in between you can not leave out! You definitely have to do this the right way.
You can find all details of all these counter intuitive and unconventional steps to save your marriage in TW Jackson's (aka TDub) e-book. Watch his videos here and get informed on the right moves and unconventional strategies....

As a warning, the techniques you're about to discover you may have never seen before and at first glance may look an feel wrong, but have been proven time and again to be effective in even what seems the most complicated situations.
Counterintuitive Technique #1
The first technique you need to use is to agree with and accept the fact that you have broken up with your ex. This can be very difficult to do and the chances are good that you will have a bit of an internal battle before you're able to do so.
It can definitely help to understand why you need to accept the breakup, and how it can help you get back together. The main reason is because you need to give your ex time to respect and miss you again. The chances are that they are mad or upset with you at the moment, especially if you've beem nagging them about getting back together.
Counterintuitive Technique #2
The second technique you need to use is to cut off all communication. You're probably about ready to close your browser right now! Hold on, because this technique really does work. It helps you to accept the breakup and is the action that shows your ex you are serious.
By not communicating, you are allowing your ex time to miss you and time to get over the reasons for breaking up. Give yourselves some quiet time. This space will be good for your mental health as well, and will help you to think clearly. It also sets you up for the next technique.
Counterintuitive Technique #3
The next step is to plan an event where you two can reconnect. But there are many critical steps in between you can not leave out! You definitely have to do this the right way.
You can find all details of all these counter intuitive and unconventional steps to save your marriage in TW Jackson's (aka TDub) e-book. Watch his videos here and get informed on the right moves and unconventional strategies....
Saturday, February 20, 2010
3 Easy Steps to Follow & Make Your Relationship Great!
Today I want to be "blunt"!
Is it a fact that most of us tend to believe that the relationship they are in is a healthy relationship, but the fact is that many are not. If you want to stop pretending and truly have a wonderful, loving, respectful relationship, then look over this list of tips that can help you achieve that goal.
1. We all feel the temptation to 'put our best foot forward' and while that isn't a bad thing, it's very easy to take it too far and not really be who you truly are. It's one thing to use your best manners, but it's another to pretend you like something that you don't really like.
When you project a false image of who you really are, you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. You will either have to maintain that phony persona forever, or you will eventually have to let your partner see the real you.
Either way it's not a good situation to be in. Be yourself. You have to have confidence in who you are and if you aren't confident enough to be yourself, you should hold off dating until you can work on yourself for a while first.
One of the basic cornerstones of a solid relationship is when both of you accept the other person just as they are. If your partner is constantly trying to make you someone else, why would you waste your time? Let them go off and find their perfect someone and you do the same. If they truly love you, then they'll truly love and accept you and all that you are...good and bad.
2. Learn how to communicate with each other. This is all about talking and listening. It's about building trust so that you can each have a safe place to express yourself openly and without having to fear being mocked or ridiculed. It's about finding a healthy way to communicate when something your partner has done bothers you. It's not about screaming, yelling, getting angry and defensive. If the two of you can learn how to communicate properly, with respect and maturity, you will be well on your way to a great, loving relationship.
3. There is a saying that opposites attract, and that can be true, to a point. The fact of the matter is that while someone who is very different from you might seem exciting and unique at first, over a long time that 'uniqueness' can grow very old.
If you and your partner don't agree on the core things, then you are likely to have a very rocky relationship. The two of you don't have to agree on everything, as long as you're both mature enough to respect each other's opinions. However it is crucial that you should have similar core values. For instance, religious beliefs, beliefs about fidelity, desire to have children or not, what you consider right and wrong, etc. If your core values are not in sync, then you will have a hard time seeing each others' point of view. This will only lead to disagreements and of fights.
Many people waste their time trying to make a bad relationship work, when they could have been spending that time in a fun, loving, respectful, healthy relationship. It is after all, not about finding someone who is perfect, it's about finding someone who is perfect for you. Thus, it is definitely worth the while taking a little bit more time getting to know a person before starting a relationship.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What Cheating Men Really Want....

Nugget: What men want more than a pretty face or teeny waist is to be ADMIRED by their partner.
What it means: Many women believe men have an affair with the 'secretary' because she's hot, young or has some 'physical' attribute she lacks.
The truth is most men that have affairs are CRAVING admiration.
At home, many men feel nagged.
At the office, they are the 'hero'.
If a man doesn't feel admired at home, he becomes easier prey for any woman that makes him feel respected and admired.
When a woman makes her man feel admired she cloaks him in 'anti-slut' armor because most men would do just about anyting to NOT to lose her admiration.
Do you find the above nugget useful?
You may want to have more ideas and solutions on how to save a relationship or marriage under such circumstances. TDub, the author whose ebook had helped over 50,000 people to reconcile has included some great videos in his website. You may like to watch the 2 videos in his website here.
Good luck!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Are You Alone on Happy Valentine's Day?

Can I ask you something? ...
- Are you suffering from a recent horrible breakup with your ex?
- Are you trying to cope with the loss of your ex?
- Do you want to get your ex back?
I am sorry that you are going through a rough patch. But instead of being sad, angry, miserable or lonely, have you ever thought of turning these negative feelings and emotions into positive energy?!
If your ex is still very dear to you, why not do the "impossible"? Yes, buck up! Take a deep breath, chin up, stomach tuck in, shoulders straight, and tell yourself, "If I am still in love with my ex, why shouldn't I work on getting my ex back?" Yes....that's right. That is the right spirit!
Now, my friend, if you are determine on getting your ex back, I suppose adopting the right strategy is crucial. The last thing we want is to have your ex running further away from you, and creating more heartaches.
I am no expert here. I can however, recommend you to an expert, TWJackson, aka TDub to his friends. He has helped many people around the globe, people who once had relationship challenges, like yourself. Take a look at all these testimonials....
If you like what you see, you may find even more info here, on the right strategies and moves for you to get your ex back. Watch TDub's videos, read the tips! It's all up to you to take that action. All the best ok!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Premature Reconciliation.
Hi there. I received the below "Nugget" from TDub in my mailbox, thought I might just blog it here for you guys.
An interesting Nugget entited:-
What it means: When a guy or gal is trying to win back the affections of their ex...many times they start to make headway...but then go too far when the ex shows signs of reattachment.
For example...Tom calls Sally and they set up a little coffee talk...and it goes well...BUT rather than leaving after 20 minutes or so...Tom continues and tries to move forward too fast. And even if Sally brings up getting back together first...Tom's response should NOT be YIPEE! He'd be much better off staying calm and saying something like..."Let's take it slow and see how it goes." Women I email and talk with...often make the mistake of 'sleeping with their ex' too soon. (classic Premature Reconciliation)
You might be wondering who is TDub. Well, his actual name is TW Jackson, but his friends call him TDub. He authored one of the most downloaded relationship advisory e-book over 77 countries around the world, and has helped many couples reconcile. A friend once told me that his e-book provides great reading and lots of eye opening ideas on how you can reconcile with your ex slowly but surely.
Perhaps you may like to meet him in person, and benefit from his advice too. Watch his 2 videos here.

What it means: When a guy or gal is trying to win back the affections of their ex...many times they start to make headway...but then go too far when the ex shows signs of reattachment.
For example...Tom calls Sally and they set up a little coffee talk...and it goes well...BUT rather than leaving after 20 minutes or so...Tom continues and tries to move forward too fast. And even if Sally brings up getting back together first...Tom's response should NOT be YIPEE! He'd be much better off staying calm and saying something like..."Let's take it slow and see how it goes." Women I email and talk with...often make the mistake of 'sleeping with their ex' too soon. (classic Premature Reconciliation)
You might be wondering who is TDub. Well, his actual name is TW Jackson, but his friends call him TDub. He authored one of the most downloaded relationship advisory e-book over 77 countries around the world, and has helped many couples reconcile. A friend once told me that his e-book provides great reading and lots of eye opening ideas on how you can reconcile with your ex slowly but surely.
Perhaps you may like to meet him in person, and benefit from his advice too. Watch his 2 videos here.
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