What it means: When a guy or gal is trying to win back the affections of their ex...many times they start to make headway...but then go too far when the ex shows signs of reattachment.
For example...Tom calls Sally and they set up a little coffee talk...and it goes well...BUT rather than leaving after 20 minutes or so...Tom continues and tries to move forward too fast. And even if Sally brings up getting back together first...Tom's response should NOT be YIPEE! He'd be much better off staying calm and saying something like..."Let's take it slow and see how it goes." Women I email and talk with...often make the mistake of 'sleeping with their ex' too soon. (classic Premature Reconciliation)
You might be wondering who is TDub. Well, his actual name is TW Jackson, but his friends call him TDub. He authored one of the most downloaded relationship advisory e-book over 77 countries around the world, and has helped many couples reconcile. A friend once told me that his e-book provides great reading and lots of eye opening ideas on how you can reconcile with your ex slowly but surely.
Perhaps you may like to meet him in person, and benefit from his advice too. Watch his 2 videos here.