Exactly how long have you and your partner have been together?
Has this thought ''Our love has grown cold" ever flashed in your mind? ....forgive me if I am too LOUD...but I do want to get the message across!
Hmm....if you have, please....be assured that this situation is perfectly normal in any long term relationship. Don't feel bad or anything like that. Please, this is even more so true when both of you start to get a little older; coupled with work and family stress ..things can get even col..colder! Under such circumstances, it's really kinda important the both of you actually make it a point to talk to each other, openly and honestly.
Now...here's the thing...do you have this panicky thought "Oh Gosh! What am I going to talk about?"!! After all these years being together, you have gone so used to living together, you gather that your partner is there because he/she is your partner! Ah-ha, yeah, the word is "Complacency!"
Now, may I ask....What about "The HOT PASSION" you both once shared?? Now...you are really wondering. :)
Ahem..allow me to help you rekindle the chilly hot passions you once both shared. (wink! wink!) Well, here you go..... some hot and spicy, but definitely super common and easy things for both of you to get passionate again....
1. Can you recall what the two of you like to do when you first met? Now, it's really back to the simple basics. Let's start from the outlook. How much time did you spend on dressing up at your early stage of courtship? Recall the type of dates both of you went on, and how was the dressing then. If you need help to refresh your memories, start digging your photo albums. I will bet that both of you spent a lot of time on your appearance back then, then you do now, right?? Well, if that is true, it will be an easy thing to change.
Let's make your next date night an adventure. Be creative, put in some real effort to dress up, and give each other a surprise! Make it fun and memorable! Get ready in separate bathrooms if possible so you can regain some of that excitement of seeing each other all dressed up and looking real...GOOD.
If you make cool effort to recapture some of those early excitement and fun, it will help you get out of the ruts you somehow unknowingly fell it. Ha....this cool tip should help you feel a connection all over again.. :)
2. Surprise you sweetheart with a little gift! Everybody likes and want to be loved, and feel special, so make sure your sweetheart feel that way too!
Whenever you are out shopping for groceries, buying or dinner, or even to the dry cleaners, can I suggest you pick up something for your sweetheart? I am not referring to anything pricey, it doesn't have to be flowers or candy, but a little something that you know your mate would enjoy.
Perhaps a silly card that will make them laugh, or a movie they've always loved, a silly little stuffed animal, whatever, anything that you know would have a personal meaning to your partner. Do this....before you buy or pick out a present, close your eyes and think about the person that you are buying it for. You'll be surprised at what great gifts you can find for your sweetheart!
3. Relax, relax, relax. Both of you must learn to relax to truly rekindle passion.
When was the last time both of you went out together, doing nothing? Yeah...you got me right ...doing nothing? Can I reckon that the next time you want to do something special, take a day off and go for some real good massages at the spa. You can then cozy up at a nice restaurant, or perhaps a movie or play, then head home to a night of love. Spending the day together doing nothing, but relaxing and enjoying each other's companion is indeed the best way to increase intimacy and deepen your bond.
So, the next time you ever think: "Our love has grown cold", remember that there are some simple things you can do heat things up between you and your partner. Now, who says long term relationship has to be cold?
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