About a month again, Lynn called me and said "I am feeling really bad. I don't like the way I look, I hate the way I talk, I hate my hairstyle...I hate everything about myself! What should I do,Charine? I know Derek loves me, but I just feel that I am not good enough for him! What should I do?"
Can you relate to Lynn? She has really low self-esteem, no confidence, she jerks whenever her boyfriend touches her ...basically her extreme low self-esteem is affected her relationship and controlling her life! Now, Lynn is a dear friend of mine. I value her friendship more than anything, and I really want her to be happy. Well, I am no self-esteem nor personal-development expert, but I DO KNOW this..... Having a good and fabulous self-esteem is extremely important in life!
I started searching and asked around for help, and ended up with this e-book....Fabulous Self-Esteem, authored by Amy Twain, a self-improvement coach.
I felt that what Lynn could do was a boost toward accepting, liking and loving herself better. As I read through
the book myself, I found that it teaches us about all aspects of self-esteems, in fact, from the very basic. The author, Amy Twain, covered details on how our experiences can influence our thinking, actions, and that shaped and affect our personality. Amy wrote that once we understood the root cause of our low self-esteem, we can then work towards transforming ourselves into a strong person who can face any tough challenges with high confidence, and without any stress.
Lynn got herself a copy of the e-book. After a month now, especially after the update on the phone conversation,.....I can see some obvious positive changes in her! She is a lot "louder" (in a positive way), and I hear a different kind of laughter, a laughter that I have never heard from Lynn previously. Honestly, I am glad and thankful that we found professional help for Lynn's low self-esteem problem.
Now, with her newly boosted self-esteem, I am sure that Lynn and her boyfriend Derek's relationship will grow stronger and steadier over time, in short, a happy fulfilled life. :) What more can we ask for?......
If you too, would like to know more about boosting your self-confidence with a fabulous self-esteem, you can meet Amy Twain here. You may start off with Amy's free report on boosting self-esteem...that's how Lynn started off as well. All the best to you!