Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. ~Benjamin Franklin
My thoughts ...Gosh! This is so true, I thought to myself. As much as happily married I am, I must say that there is a lot of efforts and work put in between my husband and I to make the marriage work. In short, we really have to have our eye 'half shut' after marriage, and harmony will come along upon that. ;)
The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes. ~Amy Grant
My thoughts: A marriage is basically a joint-venture between two individuals. Personally I can relate so much to this quote as well. Imagine how it would be if my beloved husband comes home to an empty home everyday, with me either busy working or socializing elsewhere.
The marriage will eventually fall apart, it wouldn't matter how much we love each other; as things will simply get cold over a long period of time. Please, please, please....make an effort to spend time and bond as a couple. The more time you put in, the stronger the relationship would be, in short, the more valuable it becomes.
In marriage, each partner is to be an encourager rather than a critic, a forgiver rather than a collector of hurts, an enabler rather than a reformer. ~H. Norman Wright and Gary J. Oliver
My thoughts: This one is a GEM! All couple must make it a point to remember and practise this one. Be the greatest cheerleader for your love one. I am glad that my hubby is always there to encourage me. At times I would be deeply miserable, almost drownly, but no matter how deep in s*** I am, he is always there to pull me up. I thank God for blessing me with this great man of I make it a point that I do the same for him as well.
And finally, I would like to dedicate this one to my dearest hubby;
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you simply, without problems or pride:
I love you in this way because I don’t know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close. ~Pablo Neruda