Well, I am sure most of us have somehow of rather, heard about the Law of Attraction. The like-minded tend to attract another like-minded, and then everything seems to "gel" and "fall-into-place" the way things should be. Things can be really simple. It's just that most of us are busy with so many other commitments and work...the modern society literally squeeze everything out of us, leaving us with nothing but STRESS. I have been through that, still going through it...mind you, but help is available.
It is crucial that we possess the right mindset and attitude if we want our relationship to progress fine and well. Loving starts with you. You have to love yourself first before you love someone else. How can loving yourself help your relationship? We have to begin by loving ourselves first. Unless you love yourself, it will be tough for you to love another person wholeheartedly. A lot of times our relationship and family life have to take a back seat and suffer ...without us even realizing it.
When you love yourself and love what you contribute to a relationship, it affects how you view things. Loving yourself means recognizing that you are a good person. Loving yourself allows you to forgive yourself of mistakes and to take them as opportunities to learn. It helps you accept yourself, flaws and all.

If you are in this situation, you may want to download this FREE book. My friend, Judith Conroy, a Reiki Master, gave me the permission share her book here. We know that it’s no secret that it takes knowledge, dedication, and effort to learn ways to manage your stress and improve your life…and it takes you to make that 1st move....Go on,....Download your FREE copy of Reiki and The Law of Attraction here.